How is I-PCC Community Supporting People with Pancreatic Cancer in Italy?

Cancer is one of the deadly diseases that ruin extraordinary lives.  Every year a lot of people die battling cancer.  It not only affects the person physically but mentally and financially too.  With the costly treatments, pain, and discomfort the disease offers, no other does the same. Be it pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer, stomach, orContinue reading “How is I-PCC Community Supporting People with Pancreatic Cancer in Italy?”

 Is It True That Acute Pancreatitis Associated with an Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer?

A potential risk seems to be something that increases the probability of getting sick, such as cancer. Certain risk factors, such as excessive alcohol use and smoking, are associated with certain cancers. Some hazards, such as a person’s age or family history, maybe modified, but others, such as a person’s age or family history, cannot.Continue reading ” Is It True That Acute Pancreatitis Associated with an Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer?”

How is pancreatic cancer diagnosed?

Health checkups are necessary for everyone, especially for the ones who are going through problems such as pancreatic cancer. It is not easy to identify the signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer. But if you notice any of them then to be on the safe side it is important to take the help of theContinue reading “How is pancreatic cancer diagnosed?”

Why Pancreatic Cancer is hard to treat?

The most deadliest disease that cannot get easily diagnosed is Pancreatic Cancer and it is also known as Adenocarcinoma. Even with the serious treatment, its diagnosis is generally poor. One of the main reasons in which pancreatic cancer has proven difficult is when it gets compared with more common types of cancer. Sometimes even theContinue reading “Why Pancreatic Cancer is hard to treat?”

Different Stages of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a medical condition, and pancreatic cancer awareness is a hot topic in the present world. Once someone is diagnosed with this cancer, the healthcare experts always try to find out how far it is spread. This process is typically termed staging, and the stage of cancer describes whether it is harmful toContinue reading “Different Stages of Pancreatic Cancer”

The Truth About Diabetic Drugs and Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas and diabetes are directly connected. The pancreas is a body deep below your stomach in the belly. The digestive system is essential. The pancreas generates hormones and enzymes that aid in digestion. In order to control glucose, one of those hormones, insulin, is essential. In your body, glucose is called sugar. Each bodilyContinue reading “The Truth About Diabetic Drugs and Pancreatic Cancer”

Pancreatic Cancer Charity – Helping to Find a Cure

The significant disease is pancreatic cancer. The most effective treatment for pancreas cancer survival involves taking an aggressive rational position against pancreatic cancer, supported early on by the finest medical team. We believe in strong patient-physician ties, pancreas therapy based on science, and comfort may be derived from the knowledge that everything is done thatContinue reading “Pancreatic Cancer Charity – Helping to Find a Cure”

Overview of Symptoms Associated With Pancreatic Cancer

What’s pancreatic cancer? The pancreas is a body placed beneath the belly. It releases digestible enzymes as well as blood sugar-regulating hormones. You won’t feel a lump or mass if you push the exterior of your abdomen when you have pancreatic cancer. Until cancer has already spread, you may not experience symptoms.  Pancreatic cancer isContinue reading “Overview of Symptoms Associated With Pancreatic Cancer”

Best and Worst Fruits for Pancreatic Cancer Patients

The pancreas contains digestive juices as well as hormones. Pancreas cancer occurs when irregular cells in the pancreas start uncontrolled dividing and growing and form a development (tumor). The cells will gradually expand to the blood vessels of the small intestine in the vicinity (duodenum). Cells can also migrate to other parts of the body. Continue reading “Best and Worst Fruits for Pancreatic Cancer Patients”

Advances in Pancreatic Cancer and Symptoms to Know

What Is Advanced Pancreatic Cancer? As per the latest pancreatic cancer research, When it is unresectable or cannot be replaced by operation, pancreatic cancer is advanced. Cancer has been somewhat outside the pancreas or distant organs in the surrounding blood vessels or the lymph nodes (metastasis). Currently, this is stage III or stage IV. TheContinue reading “Advances in Pancreatic Cancer and Symptoms to Know”

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